
We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.

— Jacques Yves Cousteau
The Challenge

Drops is a nutraceutical brand that treats common modern life ailments with natural, high-tech, soluble tinctures. Launching a high-performing product in a young market was a challenge that the team took on.

However, after facing issues with communication and a lack of genuine interest from freelancers, the project fell into my hands. I worked on developing the brand and its webpage, ensuring correct positioning and offering a strategic approach for market launch.

Hero Homepage Drops Nutraceuticals Website
Laptop Mockup Product Details Page Drops Nutraceuticals
Brand identity

The target customers are young, informed, and conscious individuals who are seeking holistic solutions to their health problems. With this in mind, I focused on the core values: using natural components and new scientific developments to provide them with high-performing tinctures that meet their needs.

To create a brand that resonates with the audience, I decided to bring together botanical art and a clean lab aesthetic. This allowed us to create a balanced, trustworthy, and results-focused brand that our customers can rely on. I believe that this combination of design elements helps to convey the brand's commitment to quality and performance, while also appealing to the customers' aesthetic sensibilities.

Turmeric label Drops BrandingTurmeric Illustration Drops Branding
Drop products page e-commerce cards
Art Direction

The botanical art direction was carefully selected to stimulate the idea of augmentation and detail, just like the water-based cells that bring the potency of the oils in Drops. I used representative plants as the starting point for developing the color palette of the individual tinctures. I chose toned-down, balanced nuances to transmit a sense of holistic wellbeing and health.

Overall, the brand identity and design strategy were developed with the aim of providing a warm and personal voice that addresses their customers' main concerns and talks about the benefits of the product, while also conveying a sense of technical precision and expertise.

Hero small Homepage Packaging and Ilustration
Webpage Information Tickets Drops Nutraceuticals
Typography and color palette

Drops' voice is warm and personal, but also serious and precise. To embody this contrast, I used two different typographies: a serif and a grotesk. I used the round and friendly serif typography to address main concerns and talk about benefits. For more technical data and messaging, I contrasted with a grotesque typeface that is geometric, round, and has high readability/legibility.

The main colours of the brand and web evoke lab precision, technology, and trust. They are used for texts, backgrounds, and bigger color areas. Secondary colours evoke vitamins, energy, and focus, and are used for visual accents and smaller quantities of color.

Drops Brand Typographies, grotesk and serif
I designed a website that stimulates visitors to explore and gain insights into the technology of the product and the holistic vision it is aiming at.

The wireframe easily transitions between product page style and landing page story telling, taking into consideration modern e-commerce practices.
Testimonial Drops Website Mobile View Branding Mockup
About page Drops Nutraceuticals Website
Tinctures Gif Product Page, Detail and Description
Product Specifications Drops Nutraceuticals Bottle, Miron Glass

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